TV Performance

and Drive to web

Drive to Web

When you invest in television as an advertiser, your objective may include performance KPIs such as website visits, contact forms, or application downloads.

We provide an analysis that measures the impact of a TV (or radio) campaign on web performance.

Attribution of visits to a TV spot

If a spot is designed to drive performance, chances are we can detect its impact in the visit logs. We can model the visits and calculate how many occurred within 3 minutes of the spot’s broadcast.

Alone, the visits of a spot are not relevant. But on a campaign or year basis, insights are useful in campaign optimisation.

Clear insights on TV campaign management

This analysis puts standard TV analysis into perspective. Traditional analyses generally focus on cost management, reach, and GRP. However, they fail to provide insights into the quality of the broadcast.


We can calculate how many visits are generated per GRP. This ratio offers an understanding of how effective the advertising campaign remains over time. A decreasing Visits/GRP ratio indicates that your ad is becoming less effective, suggesting that changes are necessary.

Additionally, we can determine an optimum frequency per channel—a threshold beyond which you lose money by repeatedly targeting the same person. If TV viewers are not interested after seeing a spot 10 times, they likely won’t be after 20. At that point, it’s time to test a new approach.


This approach works best with a clear performance strategy:


An action is requested from the viewer, supported by a proper call to action and a clear landing page.

We do not recommend this method for pure branding spots.

Advanced TV analytics

In parallel with the drive-to-web approach, an advanced TV analysis is useful for understanding why a campaign’s efficiency decreases. We identify reasons why a campaign becomes more or less expensive and distribute the differences across multiple drivers. These factors can be grouped as:

Tactical drivers

The execution of the campaign affects its cost: the choice of TV channels, prime time ratio, and top-and-tail spots can significantly impact your final cost per GRP (CGRP). These factors are typically managed by the media agency.

We isolate the effect of each factor and provide clear insights into how the cost per GRP can be reduced.


Strategic drivers

Some factors are more strategic: the audience or target, the seasonality of investments, and the duration of the spots. These elements are part of the overall marketing strategy and not inherent to TV strategy.

These drivers have a significant impact on cost and are typically included in the briefing to media agencies. Therefore, they are generally the advertiser’s responsibility.



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